Ownership & eligibility
The eligible owner shall be: The first lessee above the rateable occupier where the current lease is granted for a term of more than 35 years, or relevant first lessee, the freeholder.
The BID term will be five years from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2026. In the event of the Occupier BID ceasing to exist, the Property Owner BID cannot seek renewal at the end of its present 5-year mandate
The BID levy will be applied to rated properties in the BID with a rateable value of £400,000 or more
The BID levy will be fixed at 0.65% of rateable value using the 2017 rating list as at 1 April 2021
Owner/Occupiers: If the relevant long lease or freehold property owner is part of the same group as the occupier BID levy payer for any rateable hereditament over £400,000 then the Occupier / Property
Owner BID levy shall be fixed at 0.325% of RV using the 2017 rating list as at 1 April 2021 for that relevant interest
The levy will assume an annual growth rate for inflation of 3% to be applied 1 April each year
The BID levy will only apply to retail, food and beverage and leisure hereditaments (including hotels and theatres)
The liability for the daily BID levy will fall on the eligible property owner
New hereditaments will be charged based on the rateable value at the point of occupation
Where the rateable value for individual hereditaments (rated properties) results in a lower BID levy, it will only come into effect from the start of the financial year in which the change is made. No refunds of the BID levy will be made for previous years
There will be no VAT charged on the BID levy
The BID levy will not be increased (or decreased) other than as specified in the BID levy rules
The BID levy rules cannot be altered without an alteration ballot
No refunds will be granted on BID levy paid
The BID levy is to be paid in full within 14 days of receipt of invoice
Whilst not a formal BID rule the eligible Property Owner BID levy payer should not pass the levy onto the eligible Occupier BID levy payer
Further details on operating agreements will be
available next month