Operation West End: Safe, Clean & Healthy Streets This Christmas
As Christmas draws closer, businesses and the local community are preparing to spread holiday cheer this festive season and this year New West End Company's Cleansing & Security Teams are running a month of action with a number of initiatives designed to support businesses at our busiest time of the year.
Drawing on the huge success of last year's Great West End Clean, this year we will be running Operation West End from Monday 14 November for 4 weeks and we have have lined up extra resources during our month of action, to ensure the West End is at its best for visitors this festive season. See below what will be happening over the next month and how you can get involved.
Deep cleanse of all Station gateways - Taking place at Oxford Circus, Bond Street, Piccadilly Circus and Tottenham Court Road.
Flushing all 82 side streets - Refreshing the look of pavements and removing any light stains.
Chewing gum & graffiti removal and bin washing - There will be two extra operatives around the district on main streets.
Westminster City Council City Inspectors - Throughout the month of action there will be a team of WCC City Inspectors dedicated to the NWEC footprint. They will be working with the security team tackling begging, flower sellers, illegal street trading, fly-tipping and waste issues.
Dedicated Metropolitan Police Team - Throughout the month of action there will be a dedicated team of Met Police Officers assigned to the NWEC footprint. They will be working with our security team to target street crime such as pickpocketing, phone snatches, robbery, and store crime.
Black Friday - Enhanced Met Police Presence - There will be an enhanced Metropolitan Police presence across the district during the busy shopping event Black Friday, taking place on Friday 25 November.
Counter Terrorism Awareness Member Visits - During the 4 weeks there will be increased New West End Company, FGH and SBN security team visits to our member businesses with a particular focus on Counter Terrorism Awareness, to help keep our business and our customers safe during the busy festive period.
For any security related questions please contact jamie.conroy@newwestend.com.
Bulky Waste Collections for Free
New West End Company business members can book a bulky waste collection service with us for FREE for up to 5 items. This is limited to 1 collection, of up to 5 items, from Monday 21 November to Thursday 15 December, between 8am and 3pm
We collect: fridges, cookers, beds - including mattresses and bed frames, sofas, tables and chairs, mannequins, appliances, other large electrical items and furniture.
Email Bruna.Silva@newwestend.com to book your free collection slot.
Free Waste Audits for Businesses
Offered by Westminster City Council, all businesses will have to review how they recycle, as per the new requirements brought by the Environment Act 2021, a waste audit will help you identify these improvements.
WCC waste management experts are happy to come and conduct a waste management audit for you. The waste management audit will allow an expert to identify the services that your business requires. They will come to your premises at a time that suits you and provide you with valuable insight into how you can take your waste management to the next level. If you are working towards a sustainability target, the audit is also a great way to begin measuring progress in waste management.
Email Bruna.Silva@newwestend.com to find out more and book your audit.
Improving Our Streets
Clean streets are essential in providing a welcoming place in which businesses thrive. We can work together to make the district even cleaner over the Christmas period.
The Clean team will be enhancing its services on the streets, to keep our footpaths clean and clear and we are encouraging every shop to improve their shopfronts by following some easy tips to clean the private curtilage of the premises. Click to read our top tips for improving your shopfront.
Commercial Waste Code of Conduct
With festive celebration comes a vast increase in waste across the City, as thousands of deliveries quickly become thousands of tonnes of rubbish to collect.
Help us to keep our footpaths clean and clear by following some easy steps listed on our Waste code of conduct. Click to read the code of conduct.
Environment Visual Audits
Ensuring the West End’s streets are clean and free of rubbish is one of New West End Company's key objectives. On a weekly basis we grade the streets for environmental cleanliness based on a list of National Indicators that are designed to measure levels of litter, detritus, graffiti and fly posting.
If you would like to know more and volunteer to do the audits with our team please email Bruna.Silva@newwestend.com